The Spyderco Ralph Turnbull T-Mag and the Spyderco Warren Thomas Karambit.
How different can two knives be?
One is built with absolute focus on strength and durability in a wicked self defense knife. The Spyderco Karambit is so focused that it lacks much use for anything else. But, it shines so bright in it's purpose as a self defense knife, that you have to respect it. Stainless steel handles for strength and durability, a Reeve Integral Lock for superb lockup, and a super sharp, super acute point to pierce and rip. Ouch.
The other knife, so much different. The Spyderco Ralph Turbull T-Mag is built light, and refined, so that you barely know it is there, until you need it, then it steps in, with a deft touch, to cut some stray thread, or to clean your fingernails. Carbon fiber handles for a very lightweight handle, a magnetic lock, for a clean operation, smooth and fast, with a great walk and talk.
Anyway, I took this picture, and it got me thinking.